As said in the last post, the event surprisingly ended quite quickly. I had planed that it will last at least 5-7 days, so there was some time to get enough traffic for a few dollars worth of advertisement revenue.
So i thought of a few ideas on how to make it last somewhat longer. There are some ideas I had, you can post your comments below.
- Split the treasure in a few pieces. For example having 3 treasures hidden. So for example first to find a treasure, would get 100 PED the second 60 PED, the third 40 PED
- Instead of showing hints for the treasure directly (like the Stone in the last event), i could show another place (not directly related to the treasure and for example say: “The treasure is x° from this position” and later tell a second and third hint with y° and where they hit, where the treasure can be found
- Similar to the above, but instead of having one fixed x° value, having a range (so its a bit more search work required once you got 2 or more positions). For example 4-12°. With only one hint it will become more and more inaccurate the further you go away from the point the hint is given, but will get more accurate once you found more than one hint
- Or simply to wait the full time span of 2 weeks until presenting the winner (even if the winner has found it after 2 days). But imho this idea isn’t too good, as all other people searches would be in vain (but on other side, it would give enough time to generate the revenue to finance the events)
- The next idea is somewhat better: To start the events randomly. i.e. promoting the events, but long before it starts so people who’re interested need to regularly check the event page and see if it has begun.
Advantage: This way there would be more visitors even in times no event runs
Disadvantage: Many may miss it, as they don’t regularly check it.
The Interview
I’ve did a small interview with the winner of the last event, Firemonkey Fire Aveon.
- 1. Did you participated in the last event?
No I did not participate in the last event. I first heard of the event the day I found it. It was a few hours before I sent out the screen shots to you. Someone was advertising it at PA. - 2. Do you think the reward (200 PED) was attractive enough to do the treasure hunt? (in the first one it was only 20 PED and was supposed to last 2 weeks)
Eh 200 PEDs was more than attractive enough for me at least. Though I only ran into 1 person in general at the event area. - 3. How much time did you spent seeking the treasure and what was the detail which gave you the idea where to search?
I spent a good 3-4 hours searching for the treasure. What gave it away was the rock clusters. The dark green ground helped a little in eliminating what rock clusters to look for, but I still had to check any cluster that was on green ground. This was because your graphic settings might be different than mine (probably a lot better than mine). - 4. Did you got any help (i.e. a friend) or did where you alone seeking it
I found the treasure alone. - 5. Did you enjoyed the event and would you like to see more events in the future?
I did enjoy the event. It was pretty challenging. I would like to see another event in the future for it was pretty fun. - 6. Anything you didn't enjoyed or like to see improved in the future?
The one thing that I just didn't like were the agros that wandered right next to the rock cluster, but that just adds to the challenge. I managed to get them to chase me and I lured them away.
Odessa: Well the agros wasn’t really planed. When I first placed the treasure, there were no other mobs around and when i checked it the last time (~0:00-1:00 MA time), it was free of mobs too. - 7. Would you participate if was harder to find?
I would participate if it was harder to find. Though I'm not too sure how you'd make it harder. The screen shot you gave us was vague as hell. Unless you decide to give the participants a larger area to search, but that area it self was pretty large.
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